You can go to hell....but you don't have to! Why do so many people refuse to believe in Jesus Christ and receive the free gift of eternal life? In this powerful new book, Dr. Hixson examines ten common reasons many people reject the Gospel message. He then goes on to explain the one reason no one ever has to go to hell. “This is a rare book and one that needed to be written. I'm glad that Dr. Hixson is the one who wrote it because this isn't really a book. It's a friend-to-friend conversation a master author is having with you, the reader. From the get-go, you realize that Dr. Hixson cares, really cares, about the gospel, and your need to hear and believe it. He imprints every page with an urgency little heard today from pulpit or page. Dr. Hixson soaks every pertinent point with Scripture while packing each paragraph with provocative thought as each word marches toward a biblical conclusion. This is one of those books to have and to hold, to treasure, to savor, then to share with others.” --Dr. Michael Halsey, Chancellor, Grace Biblical Seminary